Camera Buying Guide 2019

"How do I make my videos look like the movies?" 

In high school, I was part of K-AHS -- a school TV program where we announced the news daily. This where I fell in love with video, specifically short form content. 

Every day, we would open the show with a fun 1-2 minute creative video. We made skits, music videos, etc.

Each time I went to record, I pictured producing this high-quality piece of content that looked like the movies, but in the end -- it never looked like that! I was confused and frustrated as to why. 

In film school, I found out why...

It wasn't me, it was the camera.

In film school, I had access to high-quality production gear and very quickly realized that the major difference is truly the camera. The answer seemed so simple, yet it took me years to discover!

Capture Top Quality

Ready to upgrade beyond the iPhone? This week's video walks you through every you need to know before buying a camera. Stop watching hundreds of video reviews online, eliminate choices and click buy. 


Amanda Horvath

Every Business Needs a Video. We Make It Simple.