My 2019 Business Plan

At the end of last year, I was buuuuurned out... Can you relate?

I've been creating business videos for the past four years and while my skills and knowledge of the industry have improved significantly, the nature of my work has remained relatively the same. 

I'm continuously viewed as a "video technician" rather than the "video marketer" that I've become. 

What the difference? For starters, video marketers can see the bigger picture of how your video fits into the overall marketing strategy. Unlike video technicians, we're not trying to selfishly make the badass video we want to make (yes, this is very much a thing).

We want to impact your sales and 
actually, make a change in your business.

Grave Mistakes

Over and over again, businesses have ignored my advice and repeated the same mistakes I've seen so many others make. Often, this includes creating the wrong video and spending waaaay too much money on it. In an effort to please customers, we've said yes to any video that businesses want to make.

TIP: If you don't want to make these mistakes, be sure to download my "Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid" freebie.

So how do I fix this issue that so many businesses face? We focus our efforts...

We're no longer creating any video that a business wants, but instead creating the #1 video that every business needs. From there, we analyze your specific marketing and sales funnel to see which videos you need to make to increase your conversions.

Say goodbye to videos that waste money
and say hello to Video with ROI.

What is the #1 video all businesses should make? Check out the video... 

Amanda Horvath

Every Business Needs a Video. We Make It Simple.